Music | Razor Sharp by Collide
This year hasn't been a successful year for business growth, but I've been staying busy creatively like I haven't been in quite some time. I ran with the flow, pushed to keep the ball rolling when things slowed down, but in the last few months, I've been feeling somewhat empty on the creative end as well. I've tried a few techniques to get me going again, but I seemed only to be following a path, not intended for me.
The other day, my brutha from anotha mutha,
Randy sent me an email recommending this movie for me to check out. I hadn't heard of it before and all he sent was a netflix description. Maybe 5 sentences at most with who the 2 main characters were the only thing enclosed. The story line was intriguing and suddenly, the light bulb lit up. How brilliant would it be to create my own interpreted story line with just still photos from just the description. The brilliant part of this is that it creates multiple photo opportunites for me to complete, forces me to collaborate with others and allows me to create a story within an outline that everyone involved in the shoot will have some understanding of.
I've always loved looking at movie stills. I've spent hours dissecting them and trying to define what makes those stills have that cinematic aura? I've been trying to discover that secret to somehow instill in my own photographs.
This project will enable me to physically start my own exploration into this mystery.
When the idea came up, I immediately posted ads on the internet for people that might be interested in this project. The ad reads as follows -
"I'm going thru a creative journey where I need a woman and man, attractive with some time on their hands and don't mind being photographed, usually separately. There is no sleazy connotations I'm trying to capture, only to recreate thru stills a description of movies I have not seen.
This is an exercise I'm trying to work on to get me behind the camera and think in a new way. I'm hoping this will enable me to come up with a body of work, a project that has a beginning, middle and end.
So, if you have time on your hands, have a sense of style and would like to be photographed, send me photos of yourself. I'd love to have your input as well.
Thanks for reading... "The responses are not flooding in, but all ready I've had some interesting interested parties. I'm excited at the prospects of this idea and where it will take me. New territory!