August 03, 2015

No Negatives in this World...

Music | La Davina by Maria Callas

Last Saturday, early morning and early evening, I got the opportunity to work with the 4x5 Chamonix shooting both film and a new, then discontinued and soon to be revived product from Ilford / Harmon that is a paper that renders positive images direct. You shoot it like chromes, process it like it is a black and white print.

Paul Cunningham
offered up some sheets for us to shoot while I was able to get 2 fantastic models, Fayren and Juliana. Françoise Weeks also got in on the collaboration by creating a head piece for the evening shoot.

The weather here has been extremely hot. Besides catching nice light, the 7 a.m. call time was perfect. The temperature lingered in the mid 60's and was very comfortable. The textured wall was a nice contrast to the very soft light we were working thru. Both Paul and I were able to shoot thru a good number of both of the Direct Positive Paper and film sheets while I also shot a few frames of digital.

Though there was another 10 hours to go for the evening shoot, I didn't have the opportunity to process any of the media. Paul did and got some of the paper prints processed, which left me chomping at the bit to get to mine...

The evening shoot was a challenge for me. I couldn't find the angles, it was a bit windy and I felt lost. I shoot digital when I am stuck to hopefully open a door. I got some great images, but didn't feed me for the 4x5. I ended up doing a 180 and went to another direction. Turns out to be a keeper that I am happy with...

Fayren with Françoise Weeks' Orchid Head Piece


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