August 15, 2011

The Things that Make a Good Person... Be Honest, Humble and Patient

Music | Do I Love You because You are Beautiful by John Coltrane

The process keeps you honest. You have no choice but to be humble. Never have the attitude that things will go well, because soon, something will bite you on the ass and bring you back to reality. I've heard this story from others, and now I know and respect that sage opinion. Only patience will keep you sane and allow you to maybe figure out your problem.

I had to have my friend Brandon over, look over my issues and make quick recommendations. Could have been bad collodion, a lens where the flash did not sync along with other smaller issues. I worked with the extreme problems first and did a few quick tests. By the time Cain, my model came over, I was a little more confident I'd get a nice plate or 2.

This is what I love about Collodion. No fix all button, nothing to save your ass but your own devices, or friends in this case. As I shoot more, I'll hope to have the necessary knowledge to figure out issues that may arise. No matter how much you try and control your process, things will change and the process will need adjustment.

August 10, 2011

True Satisfaction...

Music : Undenied by Portishead

Last few days, I've been going back and forth with Analogue and Digital. I mean, I shot some Collodion and shot some digital and at the moment, processing out images from a digital shoot I did last Saturday. I've been shooting analoque on a professional basis for about 15 years, not counting my foray in Wet Plates, and now, surprisingly, 11 years in digital. I just thought of this fact and I am amazed at how close the gap has become. I feel like I'm proficient at shooting digital, where I can pretty much get a nice exposed image with good contrast, depth, composition... What I end up missing at the moment of exposure, I can do some tweaking in post. I am not of the school of doing this intentionally, but stuff happens and if I have tools to fix issues, I can and will...

I also know I'm not proficient at shooting Collodion. I get caught in a mix of variables and often put myself in a maze where nothing makes sense. My first day of shooting this week, after over 2 months of not shooting any Collodion, I had to have Brandon come over to put me on the right track. The process is frustrating, humiliating and often times stressful. However, when that intended image comes up ghostly in manner while sitting in the fixer, slowly exposing its final image from the depths of blue, the moment is magical. I felt this while making black and white images from film in the dark room. The satisfaction is immeasurable.

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