December 29, 2006

Back to Old School...

I use that term so often, "old school". To me, it is the phrase people of my generation are using the way the "olden days" were used in the generation before mine. Well, maybe a bit further back than just a generation... As time moves forward and things change for what is thought an improvement, it often seems to me that things get more complicated. The perceived notion that things are better are only short lived, especially when you make a comparison to the way it used to be done.

So... I'm not going back to the darkroom, or going film, or listening to vinyl or 8 track, nope. My wedding website, Erio Mishima Photographié was converted to a Flash site about a year ago. I thought I needed to make it "flashy" (get the pun?). But in order to do so, I had to purchase a template, because I don't have the knowledge to make one myself. I'm also too poor to have one designed specifically for me (it ain't cheap!).

HTML, the mother of the internet is coming back home. I opted to go this route because I can design and execute this site all by myself. I will be able to make changes or additions a little easier, hopefully I'll climb up the search engine ladder, and mostly be unique again. I know of at least 5 other photographers using the same template as I am. The only real difference is the background colours and music (and I hate music on websites!). My portrait website has been html and more than likely won't ever go Flash. Mishima Photography.

The initial design I worked on yesterday night, or should I say earlier this morning. Seems whenever I worked in the darkroom or work on a website, I start around 10PM and go til 2 or 3 in the morning. I'm hoping to have most of the design done by early next week, then start building at the dawn of 2007. A good way to start the year!

December 25, 2006


Music | Part 3 & 4 Pursuance & Psalm by John Coltrane

I've been told by several people that the last avatar on my sites, I looked like a convict. The picture could be from a mugshot. Since cutting my hair off, I've been looking at myself often because of the severe change. Then seeing myself in a photograph taken in a formal setting my Joni, I realized I don't look anything like I thought I looked like. Maybe that is why I have been posting some images from my past.

To get a more serious look at what I really look like now, I did a series of self portraits. I must have taken close to 50 exposures looking like what I think looks good (haha), what I look like the way my mom would like me to look, intense, rage and goofy. Here is the gamut...


You know your getting old when your Christmas presents include 2 pair of socks and a lumbar support for your car seat...

December 23, 2006

So What - Miles Davis and John Coltrane

Besides the amazing music, check out this video and the little nuances going on in the background in the wide shots. The close ups of Miles and Mr. Coltrane are just simply beautiful...

December 20, 2006

What to do...?

Music | Friend of the Night by Mogwai

A few weeks ago, I got a call from my folks at an odd time. I knew it was bad news. I found out my father has non Hodgkin's lymphomic cancer. He doesn't have a lot of time on his hands and to make things worse, his chemo treatments aren't treating him well. Not by far the worst thing to happen is that he lost his hair. Because of distance issues, I felt a little helpless as to what I could do for support. I thought I'd give him a laugh by shaving my own head. A friend photographer and I went out in the rain today to the river front to shoot. Here is one from the session...

December 19, 2006

Christmas Songs...

in no particular order...

December 14, 2006

is this what we've come to expect?

Campaign for Real Beauty

I think the retouched version of that woman is attractive. I also think the version of that woman just before she was retouched is attractive as well. But, reality has a lot of precedence here and if what we are bombarded with is not real, where do we draw the line?

There is software out there for photographers to use that make amazing alterations to people and how they look in a photograph. It is literally a push of a button and the software does the rest. It gets rid of wrinkles, blemishes, and goes beyond what the person could ever actually physically do to themselves. There isn't the control displayed in the above video, yet. But with all this ability to "retouch," is this something we all are going to expect?

December 12, 2006


Time again to go down memory lane and see the past just keep moving on... I just sold an enlarging lens on ebay for $25. Brand new, this item is listed for $389 at B&H Photo. I am still amazed at the fall of film equipment, just a mere 6 years from when I went all digital. I don't know why I kept and still have some of the film equipment I have, but I'm taking a big hit for selling this stuff at this time. cie la vie...

December 06, 2006


So, Randy put out a challenge to see how much "junk" we have on the sensors of our digital cameras on a forum I frequent. I didn't want to initially do it because I didn't want to see, the bad news. I've had cameras that were pretty bad, but since my style of shooting is such that the muck doesn't show up much, I never took it seriously.

The general procedure of checking your sensor is to shoot the sky on a clear day at a small aperture. This magnifies or puts more into focus the debris that might be on your sensor. You'll see exactly what is on there and how much.

Here are my 2 primary cameras...


Even number 2 isn't that bad, but now I'm thinking I need to invest in a sensor cleaning device. Thanks a lot... RANDY!

December 01, 2006

The Defining Photo...

Music | In the Waiting Line by Zero 7

There are photos of people in my life that to me, define who they are. There is a photo of my Mom, taken back in the 1950's that comes to mind. I haven't seen that photo in many years, but it is in my head. She is wearing a dress, her long black hair is held up by a head band with her arms outstretched, side to side. It is as if she is leaning up against a wall of bushes. She has an exuberance on her face, somewhat of a jokester, and a little embarrassed because she is having her photo taken. There is a lot of life in that photo.

Another photo is one of my Dad. He is sitting back on the couch, slacks, white tee shirt and his black, heavy glasses relaxing with Bob, my cousins husband. I remember he used to put Vitalis in his hair. He wasn't the type to be stylishly in fashion, but then maybe he was... His hair was always combed, shiny and very black.

I don't know why these photos are the ones that most stick out in my head. They are just the ones that are there.

I came upon a photo of myself, going thru my archives recently of personal and professional stuff. It was the late 80's or early 90's when I was a bad ass. I had just started to discover style and form and function. These were some defining years for me. A buddy of mine at the time wanted to photograph me. Like most things that have much meaning, I didn't think much of it. I just threw on what I would have worn if I went out riding. Pure essence. I really thought this photo was great when I 1st saw it. But as I look at it now, I see transition. I became liberated and I became independent. It isn't the fact that I'm Mr. Baddass on a very cool vintage motorcycle, it is me having made certain choices that began to define who I am. In my eyes, this is my defining photo...

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