Music | Evidence by Thelonious Monk
A sudden sensation takes you over for a moment, sometimes for a longer period of time. You know your in the moment and you want it to last. There are times in the past, where the magic has appeared and I had the cogent reaction to know what was going on and knew what I was feeling was very special. It comes in all forms... viewing a photograph, listening to a song, catching the aroma of a woman walking by... Sometimes it brings on a memory, embarking you to a time and place far from the present. Sometimes a placid mood overtakes you allowing you to feel something "new".
I was challenged by a comrade this evening, while we were both somewhat inebriated by good smokes, beer and the warm spring evening that we haven't had the pleasure of for quite sometime. We were talking about this thing we do called blogging... how I could point out exactly what was the best piece I had ever written...
A Vision. What was it he asked that made that piece so well written? I remember clarity, the moment I was in and how it just stayed in my head. The more the experiences I had gone thru, the images stayed crystal clear. When I went to write what had just happened to me, the words just came and made my fingers type the words. There was no real effort, it came and I let it go. Other than that, I had no explanation why that piece was the best written blog I have ever come up with.
We have magical moments, I had another this evening. I went to a monthly art event referred to as, First Thursday, in the Pearl District, where the art galleries open with new exhibitions. I ran into a few fellow artists that I knew, spent some time having nice conversations... When it was time for me to leave, I got on the motorcycle to head home. I'm traveling a less frequented route. The road was empty, the lamp posts speeding by, a warm pervasive breeze a constant. I'm hit with that feeling, this is a special moment, this is a time I will remember for a long time. A calm comes over me, I say in my mind, "This is a moment..." The feeling drifts away and I'm slowing down for a red light in front of me. The moment is gone, the feeling lingers and with a sort of serenity, I ride home.
I was supposed to have captured the same "clarity" as the post that was my best written piece ever in the paragraph above, but I know I fell short. The words did not flow out of my fingers and I spend a good 15 minutes on that paragraph alone...
As I said, a challenge was put upon me... and that to write with more clarity, more description, good grammer and stuff like that... I have a good friend, who will tell me like it is. I say I write this blog for me. I can read between the lines and read the code I have written for myself to be able to recreate the moment I wrote any specific blog. I enjoy going back in time and see where I have come from and where I am. He says it is out there for the public, so...
I am not writing for you, my very dear readers of this blog. I am VERY appreciative! However, there are some things I will not put out to the masses, but I do try and not censor anything I begin to write.
In any case, the challenge that was put upon me has been duly noted. There is always room for improvement in writing this blog, for both you and me...