September 15, 2005

Moving on...

David S Ware, a critically acclaimed Sax player making his way since the early 70's talks about his life briefly in his biography on his website. Knowing how important it is to keep up with the times and view the changes not only in our industry, but the world itself and with the over indulgence of what the internet has to offer, I was hit with a description of Mr. Ware about developing as an artists...

Rather than compromise his musical vision, Ware chose to be patient. "I drove a cab for 14 years. I stayed out of the scene until I was ready to do my thing."

Driving a cab in the NYC area! Dedication like this can easily be called lunacy, but I respect his point of view. His early contemporaries have moved on to be giants in their own right, but thru it all, Ware stuck to his guns and is creating music of depth and passion and is unlike the songs of complacency.

I'm sure Mr. Ware had his demons to deal with, but if he spent much of his time bitching and griping about "Complacency", I don't think he would be putting out the music he has and is. Choose your battles well, otherwise your sure to loose everytime.

I take heed in the wisdom of Mr. Ware and his views of a developing artist. Here is to moving forward...

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