November 07, 2006


Music | Walking on Fire by Evolution/Jayn Hanna

It been a long time since I've had any collaborations with anyone. It has been either a very lonely or independent last few years.

I made a huge step the other day in starting a brochure for my business. It is one of probably a thousand things I need to do to make a move to the next level. Collaboration is not the right word for this post, as my counterpart gets absolutely nothing out of the deal... I'm writing copy to describe what I do, what I offer and why you should hire me. My good friend Tim M. gracefully put sentences together for me to more eloquently get my message across. He knows me, and has an idea of what I want to communicate.

I bitch and moan about photographer wanna bees taking photos and bringing down the level of photography and yet, I try to write my own words, where clearly, I am no writer. My bad...

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